Refund Policy (Last Updated 1 Oct 2022)

Thank you for shopping at Seni Aroma.
The following terms are applicable for any purchase with us.

  1. Your Order Cancellation Rights

    You are entitled to cancel your Order within 7 days without giving any reason for doing so. The deadline for cancelling an Order is 7 days from the date on which you purchase from us.

    To cancel your order, email us at, with the Subject Title as Cancellation, and attach your receipt.

    We will reimburse you within 30 days from the day on which we receive your email.

  2. Conditions for Refunds

    In order to be eligible for a refund, please ensure that:

    • Your date of receipt is within the last 7 days (from date of cancellation)
    • Your training date has NOT commenced.
    • Items on promotion or discounted items are NOT entitled to refunds.
  3. Contact Us

    If you have any questions about our Refunds Policy, please contact us:
